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Is your organisation agile, and leadership......





...and ENABLING?

...because the old hierarchical leadership approaches no longer work so well in a VUCA world.....

Our delivery company

Our research company

The system we deliver

We disrupt by challenging old assumptions about L&D to get great results – our online programme gets better results than our award-winning world-class face-to-face one   Read here for Case Study. 

“I usually get one or MAYBE two things from a program I find useful in my work. With CALAgility I found I got a new learning every single week. One of the best if not the best training I’ve been a part of”


Complex Adaptive Leadership Ltd.
UK Company Number: 7792230

4 minute video with testimonies

 Mainland China

Agile Plus Management Consultants Co. Ltd.
China company number: 12000002201608240014

“CAL approach enabled me to get 40% more results in a complex programme with 50% less resource” 

Mike McCormick, Major multi-market 5G roll-out Programme Leader

Changing leadership mindsets for increased agility

and dramatic productivity in an uncertain world

CAL is an ISO certified global firm which combines modern western Complexity Science with some ancient Chinese wisdom. It helps leaders get better results, faster for less resource/effort, enabling enhanced organisational agility.

Exploit VUCA – don’t suffer from it!

E mail us today for more details – or browse the site!


We offer cutting edge, international award winning, customised services, with proven measurable high ROI,  to executives and organisations around the world working in increasingly VUCA times (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous). We turn complexity into simple actions and get actual results. We deliver this from organisational wide initiatives, to team/group/individual leadership and talent development, to one-on-one coaching. Our inter-active workshops change leaders’ mind-sets, and our integrated 70-20-10 approach gets results. Clients widely report achieving better, faster and more outcomes for less effort,cost and resource.

  • Leadership Development
  • Leadership Consulting
  • Innovation Enablement
  • Strategy and Change



Our published and highly acclaimed research addresses a more complex world where traditional approaches to leadership seem to be less effective. We draw on the lessons that can be learnt from modern Western complexity science combined with ancient Chinese wisdom. Leadership needs to embrace and leverage uncertainty, rather than try to “solve” it. It needs to engage everyone and cross traditional boundaries – Leadership 4.0 – going upwards, sideways and outwards, and not just downwards.  CAL offers a unique, new, effective approach which embraces traditional leadership models and then extends them in a practical way.



Complex Adaptive Leadership (CAL) Limited (UK) is a global network of talented associates. Agile+ is our Chinese company. We range from experienced accomplished practitioners, to expert consultants, from world leading academics to effective facilitators, with a common view that leadership needs to change to meet the future.   We use unique research based proprietary IP. Our associates deliver a range of approaches via a variety of interventions to suit the client culture and budget. The CAL way, praised globally, offers a powerful and pragmatic approach, relevant to all national cultures and levels.


What others say about us:

(references available upon request)

“I have seen many leadership models in my time. The CAL (Complex Adaptive Leadership) approach delivered here in Beijing is the best western model that suits the Chinese culture and psyche. The feedback from the participants has been very positive”

From a programme in Beijing, ChinaL&D Executive

“CAL helped me as a leader to focus on what matters, setting in place the framework for the team to work, and identified techniques to use in interpersonal / leadership situations. I would highly recommend it.”

From an intervention in Munich, GermanyExecutive

“CAL has delivered powerful leadership development to hundreds of our senior managers around the world. This leading edge approach is changing the management DNA of our company….”

Leadership Development Executive MNC Germany

“It was truly an enlightening experience…..definitely exceeded my expectations”

Senior Manager USA

“One of the most inspiring business programs I have ever had. Hands-on experience mixed with deep theoretical knowledge, but applied with a well balanced mix of tutorials, discussions, and practical exercises.”

Executive Singapore
Senor Manager Finland"I am now regularly leaving complex tasks to my team. I am also expsoing them to greater extent to management which is a great learning experience for the guys and allows me to focus on productive things."
Senior Manager Greece"In the past I participated on several "Leaderhip" workshops with various theories, Complex Adaptive Leadership was th emost important, useful and "down to earth".

“Highly valuable for any leader to ensure the right focus on tasks that really create an impact (and no waste time on others). Highly recommended!”

Executive Shanghai China

“Excellent – a really useful seminar. All the participants were actively involved. Good at helping setting prioirties and it was really interesting”.

Senior Manager Moscow Russia

“Excellent learning! Lots of valuable management working tools and mind opening experiences and radical ideas to change the mindset.”

Senior Manager Jakarta Indonesia

“Helped me overcome the general assumptions we carry during our leadership….complexity science is a true way of understanding multiple transactions and make better decisions….”

Senior Manager India

About Us

CAL is unique and links complexity science to adaptive leadership to give a new and dynamic view of leadership which gets better results for less effort.  Complexity has been identified as a key issue for leaders today to understand and manage – and yet most are ill-equipped to deal with it.

  • Leadership Development

    This can range from a half day introductory look at complexity/chaos theory and leadership, to days/module(s) to plug into a current leadership programme, to a comprehensive module-based culture change intervention to support internal organisational and leadership development process. Clients range from large blue-chip Multi- National Companies, to business schools/universities, to organisations which do not have their own in-house leadership development teams. We are a company that has a global, powerfully new and comprehensive approach to leadership which can be delivered locally around the world.

  • Leadership Consulting

    This level of consulting is aimed at engaging whole organisations in taking a lead, rather than waiting to be led. Activities range from mass engagement events to whole organisational change processes to ensure the organisation moves towards a dynamic of continual improvement and initiative at the lowest levels.  The experience is a roller coaster, full of suprises where the followers learn to lead and the leaders learn to support and follow.

  • Strategy and Change

    The traditional days of the top team formulating long term strategies, cascading them through the organisation, and then managing the resultant change, are numbered. For many organisations the context is now too dynamic, and uncertainty is too high. At CAL we believe that traditional approaches to strategy formulation and change management can be complemented by more dynamic approaches including strategic intuition, strategy through simple rules and dilemma resolution. The way an organisation manages and leads itself, and being flexible and adaptive in the approach, is increasingly important.

  • Innovation with accountability

    The ability to adapt may help an organisation to survive, but innovation will ensure it sustains and thrives. For innovation to thrive a difficult balance needs to be struck between allowing freedom for mistakes on the one hand and the need to manage and regulate on the other. CAL enables leadership to put in place a culture where that balance can be struck and where innovation with accountability can thrive.


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